Welcome to Digitial Discovery Daily Tip #4.
This is our newsletter designed to help you unlock new growth—and new ways of thinking—so you can strengthen your career and your business.
Today, we will discuss being impressive vs. inviting with your digital marketing.
Many companies have come to us wanting an impressive website.
They typically want to make their company look bigger, better, and more successful than the competition (or just more successful than it is).
Their thinking is this: If I’m impressive and I look better than my competitors, then more customers will buy from us.”
Good logic. Bad idea.
If you’ve ever tried to be impressive in any area of your life, you know it works for a little. A few people get on board or play along. But you eventually notice, as we all have, that being impressive doesn’t help you connect better or more deeply with the ones you’re trying to impress.
You eventually notice, as we all have, that being impressive doesn’t help you connect better or more deeply with the ones you’re trying to impress.
Simon Villeneuve
They don’t feel connected to you because you’re bigger, better, and more awesome than them.
Let’s be honest… nobody likes feeling small.
The better way is to be inviting.
Use your website and all your digital channels to talk directly to your customers about their struggles and how you can uniquely help them.
The lesson is this:
- The more impressive you are, the less well-known you are.
- The less impressive you are, the more well-known you are.
We all know that people prefer doing business with people they know and trust.
And when you sacrifice trust, you sacrifice sales.
In summary, the temptation to be impressive to your customers is strong. But don’t let it overtake the opportunity to invite your customers to know you and trust you to the extent that they want to buy from you.
Invite some folks into your company’s story today!
Simon Villeneuve
Founder & CEO, Structure
Simon Villeneuve
CEO, Structure
At Structure, we believe value-based, family-owned businesses carry the power to shape the future and leave a lasting impact. This is because business isn’t just business; it’s personal.
So, we help them quickly establish lasting digital growth to support their physical expansion.
If you’re part of a mid-market family-owned business like this and care deeply about making a lasting impact, I invite you to keep following along!
When you’re ready, schedule an introduction call so we can get to know one another.
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